BetàniaPatmos - Austràlia

On the thirteenth of November 2014, Betania-Patmos football team had the pleasure of playing against a the Australian National team. From first d’Eso to fourth d’Eso, had the privilege of participating in such a wonderful event. The students showed the team around the school, scrimmaged against the teams in their age group, and later they traded souvenirs and had a few snacks. It was a wonderful experience that most if not all of the alumni would love to repeat.
The scrimmages were held on the four fields that are within Betània-Patmos. The fourth Eso girls team was not the greatest success with the final score being 16 to 1, but it was an experience that few are going to forget. The game led the girls to grow a love of the game, and they will soon be forming a team of their own.
The games were ended with smiles across everyone’s faces. The teams learned the Australian chant, and chanted it along with the Australian team. The teams learned so much in so little time, and are hoping to get the chance to play with these teams again in the future. The girls were a delight to play against, and we hope to see them soon.