Helen Chen, estudiant en pràctiques de l’Institut Tecnològic de Massachussets, fa una estada a la nostra Escola

Des del passat dia 9 de gener de 2023 la Helen Chen, estudiant en pràctiques del MIT, està fent una estada a l’Escola on compartirà els seus coneixements científics amb el nostre alumnat. Aquesta iniciativa és el resultat d’un programa de col·laboració signat amb la Fundació La Caixa / Educaixa a través del qual s’ha dut a terme la selecció dels estudiants del MIT, de les escoles i de les famílies amfitriones que hi participen. La Helen, durant la seva estada a l’Escola, impartirà diverses classes de matèries científiques i tecnològiques, i participarà en diferents activitats culturals i científiques per conèixer la realitat de casa nostra.
L’experiència, tal com ens ha expressat en aquesta petita entrevista, és del tot positiva i molt profitosa tant per a ella com per al nostre alumnat!
- What would you highlight about your experience as a student internship at our School?
It has been a great experience, the teachers and students have all been so great and I’ve really enjoyed the past few weeks. The students are incredibly brilliant and are so fun to talk to, and the teachers have been unbelievably supportive and welcoming!
- In which aspects do you think our educational system is different from the US educational system?
There are actually a lot of similarities, as most of our curriculum in the US is focused towards college entrance preparation, which seems to be the same in Spain. One main difference is that in Spain, I think it’s cool that students do in baccalaureate what they want to focus their studies on — classes are definitely more enjoyable when you are interested in what you’re learning about!
- How do you value the way of teaching scientific and technological subjects at our School? What do you think we have to improve? How and why?
I love how engaging and hands-on the classes are, and there is a lot of focus on practice and actual doing, rather than only listening to lectures. The lab classes are a great opportunity to visualize the concepts and theories, and have been some of my favorite classes to go to!
- What is the most important thing you have learnt in your internship?
I hope I’ve learnt a little more Spanish! But beyond that, I think something important I’ve learned throughout this teaching experience is how to break down difficult concepts into simpler pieces.
- How do you value your experience?
It was amazing, I love the school, the students, the teachers, and the city, and I couldn’t have thought of a better way to spend my January!